Creative branding, logos and design 

Kook is an expert in branding and marketing and can design you a modern face for your new or existing business. Your brand assets, including your logo, and the care you take developing them, are crucial to a great first impression of your business and bolster your reputation.

Brand design
mooloolaba dental facebook advert shown on mobile device

Why trust a digital design agency with your business brand

  • "You don't get a second chance to make a first impression". 
  • Your brand has never appeared in so many formats. From tiny icons on the web to roadside billboards and buses, you need to know the design of your brand is going to stand out.  
  • There are more than 2000 combinations of devices and browsers on which your brand will be seen on the web? So, you need expert advice and experience. 

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Standout branding design for all businesses

Logo Design

We’ve helped shape brands in almost every industry under the sun, both in Australia and internationally.

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Graphic Design

No matter what you want to achieve, our graphic design team is ready for your challenge.

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Great photography can make your business stand out from the crowd. Show the world why you are better than the rest.

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Video and drone

You can engage a whole new audience of potential customers with innovative strategies utilising video.

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Quality copywriting strengthens your brand image and tells a story which speaks directly to your target audience.

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Case Studies

It truly is possible to enhance your market position. We have plenty of happy customers. Check them out.

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Overwhelmed? Just call

That's why we're here! Talk to us about breathing new life into your brand and messaging to attract new customers. 

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A full brand strategy, an expert process

We’ve helped shape brands in almost every industry under the sun, both in Australia and internationally, from small businesses to medium companies to large corporations.


Step 1

Onboarding & Kick-off

First, you’ll be introduced to your dedicated project manager and the team looking after your brand. We’ll guide you through our processes and answer any questions you may have.

Step 2

Discover & Research

We will meet with you to learn more about your business, its history, and its vision. We’ll gather all the relevant industry research to form a creative brief.

Step 3

Design & Prototype

We transfer our ideas into concepts and design a brand which encompasses your business goals and values. We’ll present a few different prototypes for your feedback and approval.

Step 4

Launch & Promotion

Once you’ve approved your design, we’ll provide you with all the necessary digital and print files for you to start promoting your business. From here, we can recommend digital marketing or website design services to get your new brand noticed. 

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Frequently asked branding questions

A well-planned website, backed up by great service, is what your business needs. Talk to us and we’ll tell exactly what that is worth to your business..

A logo by itself is not a brand – it makes up one aspect of your branding identity. A logo is the face of your company and the first point of contact with your business, but it is not enough to clearly communicate what you offer to your audience. Effective branding includes a cohesive and careful choice of logo with colour schemes, slogans, typefaces and brand voice.

First impressions matter. Great branding allows you to capture your audience's attention and inspire confidence in what you offer.

Based on appearance alone, a customer will only take a few seconds to decide if they will trust your brand and give you their business. Branding gives your business a personality that customers can connect with. A well-considered branding strategy inspires trust and gives your business legitimacy, and credibility with your audience.

Consistent design and messaging help potential customers understand what you do and what you offer, meaning they are more likely to remember your brand the next time they need you.


Brand awareness is different to advertising your products or services. It's getting your brand out there and in people's memories, so when they need your product or service, they remember your brand.

Brand awareness campaigns are usually a long-term project and more often utilised on channels where people are not really ""shopping"" or ""searching"" for something in particular, but browsing. A good example is if people are using Google search engine, they are looking for a specific product or service, but when on Facebook they are just in relaxed browsing mode, and you simply want them to see your brand and what you do for the next time they need you.

In terms of more traditional channels, sponsorship of events or networking with local business groups is also be a form of brand awareness.

A brand is how people perceive and think about your company. It encompasses the feelings they associated with your business, including customer service, social media, purchasing and service experience.

Branding is the visual representation of your brand, including logos, fonts, brand voice and design. The goal of branding is to create a memorable identity for your company that makes it stand out from your competitors. The products, marketing materials and communications you use help contribute to brand perception in people's minds.

While hiring your logo design through an online warehouse might seem more cost-effective and convenient, you'll often end up with a generic logo that anyone can buy and is not unique to your brand. When you work with a professional agency, you get a dedicated designer who applies strategic thinking to develop a logo that encompasses your company's unique vision and values. Our experienced graphic designers take a creative brief before providing a comprehensive proof of concept, where we encourage your input and feedback on the final design.

If you can dream it, we can achieve it! We are happy to work with you to bring other branding projects to life. We offer many other graphic design services for digital and traditional mediums.

There is no hard and fast rule for how often your brand should be updated. However, it's wise to regularly research your target market and competitors to see if your branding still resonates with your audience.

If you're unsure if your business needs rebranding, here are five questions to help you decide.

  1. Does your company branding reflect where you are now?
    Does your branding properly represent the products and services you offer? Have you expanded into new regions or looking to tap into a new market? Your branding should evolve as your business grows, including expansions and reductions or changes in management.

  2. Is your image modern and up-to-date?
    Is your branding stuck in 1990? An outdated image tells the customer that you’re not invested in your company branding. A modern brand inspires confidence and trust and shows your audience that you offer a polished and professional product.

  3. Does your branding still engage with your target audience?
    Colour palettes, headlines, logos, brand voice, and typeface can communicate so much about your company. It’s important to evaluate who your target audience is at this moment. Are you reaching them? How do you want people to think and feel when interacting with your business?

  4. Has competition in the market increased?
    How does your branding compare to that of your competitors? How has your target market evolved, and what are they responding to? A brand refresh can be a great way to stay ahead in your industry and improve your conversions.

  5. Do you need to combat a bad reputation?
    Has your company's reputation suffered a bad rap? Rebranding could be a way to create some distance between your business and your brand. This could be a simple change such as the colours and fonts, or include a total overhaul of company colours and logo. Talk to us about what changes we recommend when rebranding to improve reputation. 


This depends on what elements of a branding project you need. For logo design, this may take 2-3 weeks. A more comprehensive branding project can take 6-8 weeks or more depending on revisions and decision-makers involved. Get in touch with us to discuss your project, and we can provide an estimated time frame.