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Why do I receive so many emails from so-called SEO experts?

Do you ever receive unsolicited emails from SEO “experts” pointing out they’ve found mistakes on your website, and how they can help you rank at the top of Google’s search results? 

So do we. 

Almost everyone with a registered domain or contact details on their website will receive these types of emails. SEO spam emails are one of the most common forms of unsolicited email. While there may be an occasional ‘real’ email from an SEO marketer trying to find new business, the vast majority of these emails are fully automated spam. 

As a digital marketing professional, it’s pretty easy to recognise the spam email, but for others this may be more difficult. Let’s go through why you receive these emails in the first place, how to spot them and how to react.

Why do I receive these emails?

First off, you may wonder why you’re receiving so many of these emails. Are these all genuine marketers who would love to work on your business? Not really. 

In many cases, these emails come from lead generation companies trying to get business, such as a company selling bulk leads to actual (questionable) SEO companies. In other cases, the emails may contain phishing attempts or malware, trying to obtain access to your website, as well as personal and financial information. 

These companies use automation techniques to distribute bulk emails to as many businesses as possible, without ever looking at your actual business or website.

Whether it’s malicious content or not, your business is unlikely to benefit from the services offered.

How do I know if it’s spam? 

While SEO spam emails come in all shapes and sizes and may seem legitimate, they are generally quite easy to detect as they all use similar messages. 

Some common phrases that can be immediately used to identify these emails from SEO specialists as spam are:

  • “We came across your website and noticed it is underperforming” 
  • “We found a few technical mistakes on your websites that can easily be fixed and which may harm your search rankings” 
  • “We can get your business on Page 1 of Google” 

You may think the email is real because it contains personalised information such as your name and business name, but it’s not - this is all generated automatically in bulk.  

Realistically, It’s highly unlikely some random SEO specialist somewhere across the globe spent a single second analysing your website and decided to email you personally.

Should I respond? 

The best response to these types of emails is no response at all. If you do respond, you’ll continue to receive emails from this sender. Blocking and filtering spam may help, but note that even the best protected emails and websites may get unsolicited SEO spam from time to time. 

If you do consider SEO services from one of these emails, be aware that these companies are often using Black Hat SEO techniques, focused on aggressive tactics using spam keywords aimed at quickly boosting your rankings. These techniques violate the search engine terms of service and are harmful for your business, brand and website as they degrade the user experience, reduce the trustworthiness of your website and the authority of your brand. 

White Hat SEO VS Black Hat SEO

If you are looking to improve your organic search rankings, make sure you go for a well-established company using White Hat SEO techniques, not black hat SEO techniques that could hurt your website.

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