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Website Design, Development & Digital Marketing Insights from Kook

Why the focus of website SEO packages must extend beyond keyword rankings

Search Engine Optimisation is proven to deliver a more effective return on investment in comparison to other marketing channels – sending more traffic to your site, yielding higher quality sales leads and increasing customer acquisitions. But investing in SEO is playing the long game, with several priority areas. Learn more.

In its simplest terms Search Engine Optimisation is the process of improving a website’s visibility on Google or other online search engines’ organic (unpaid) search results.

When choosing an SEO company, however, it’s important to remember that a higher ranking by itself doesn’t equate to more revenue for your business. Kook understands this and that’s why the focus of its SEO programs extends to these additional key priorities:

  • Increasing your click-through rate from the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs)
  • Improving website user experience to keep people on your site, rather than bouncing immediately, after they click through
  • Lifting the website conversion rate, so that more of your website visitors become customers

Is investing in SEO services right for your current business objectives?

Is your aim to boost your revenue overnight? Although impressive results can sometimes be generated within only a few months, unlike pay-per-click such as Google Ads, SEO does not typically deliver immediate increases in sales or leads.

As such, it’s important to keep in mind that when you invest in search engine optimisation, you’re playing a long game. However, over time, SEO is proven to deliver a more effective return on investment in comparison to other marketing channels – sending more traffic to your site, yielding higher quality sales leads and increasing customer acquisitions.

What work goes into getting your website to rank higher on Google?

Lots of testing and measuring is required to determine a formula for success tailored specifically to your website.

In addition to the initial evaluation of your current website and search performance, including undertaking competitor analysis, the sort of work undertaken by your Kook SEO specialist includes but is not limited to:

  • Setting up and testing website conversion tracking: Ensuring conversion actions are being properly tracked in Google Analytics, to enable comparisons over time including determining positive or negative impact of any changes made to the website.
  • SEO keyword research: Identifying search terms that are already bringing traffic to the website and uncovering additional relevant search terms that Google users are searching for.
  • Identifying priority keywords: Determining which keywords offer the greatest opportunity to significantly increase sessions by lifting their ranking on Google.
  • On-page SEO including keyword optimisation: On-page SEO includes ensuring relevant keywords are organically represented on each page of the website, particularly the identified priority keywords, including in page titles, meta descriptions and image alt tags.
  • Google business listing optimisations: Ensuring that the Google My Business listing is claimed, verified and optimised, along with similar business location mapping listings such as Bing Places and Maps Connect for iPhone, which is especially important for local SEO benefits.
  • Other off-page SEO: Including claiming, verifying and optimising various additional internet directory listings that provide useful backlinks.
  • Website conversion optimisations: Reviewing and revising calls to action, confidence triggers, font size and other website design elements – especially for landing pages with high traffic volumes but low conversion rates and pages within the conversion funnel that are resulting in a significant drop-off.
  • Website content review: Determining whether the website’s copy conforms to the requirements of any recent Google algorithm updates and whether copy can be better organised such as using bullet points or lists – which Google loves!
  • Quality website content creation: Determining if additional content is needed on certain pages or for creating new landing pages to bring in more relevant traffic – and, most importantly, help generate more sales or leads for your business.
  • Website speed fixes: Reviewing page speed scores and identifying opportunities to optimise page-loading times, keeping in mind that a slow site equals poor UX, higher bounce rates, fewer conversions and negative impacts on search rankings.

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