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Website Design, Development & Digital Marketing Insights from Kook

The role of UX and conversion funnels in maximising the returns your SEO investment

A higher search ranking by itself doesn’t equate to more revenue for your business. That's why key priorities of Kook's SEO programs also include increasing your click-through rate from Google, improving website user experience and lifting the conversion rate to turn more website visitors into customers. Learn more.

If your website is not getting enough free traffic from Google – or you have absolutely no idea how many website sessions are resulting from organic searches – you’re wise to have an SEO expert optimise where possible.

As Kook realises a higher ranking by itself doesn’t equate to more revenue for your business, however, key priorities of its SEO programs also include increasing your click-through rate from Google, improving website user experience and lifting the conversion rate to turn more website visitors into customers.

Ranking higher on Google

How often do you click over to page 2 of Google search results?

Studies indicate that more than 90% of consumers search online prior to making a purchase and more than 70% of Google search clicks are awarded to sites with organic listings on page one of the search results, with paid ads accounting for about half of the remaining clicks.

What does that mean for your business? For the keywords most relevant to the products or services you offer, you really need to be on page one to be seen! In fact, you’re almost five times as likely to generate organic traffic if your website is on page one than if it’s not. The lower your ranking drops, so too does your chances of bringing traffic to your site.

While Google’s algorithms are shrouded in mystery to a degree and constantly being updated, meaning the goal posts are regularly-shifting, Kook’s SEO experts are forever delving into industry-respected research to keep up-to-date with current best practice, constantly researching new approaches to delivering the best keyword rankings for organic searches and continually customising strategies to deliver the best possible outcomes.

Generating more clicks from Google

While vitally important from an SEO perspective, ranking higher on Google is only the first step towards turning your website into a money spinner. It’s also imperative that the text shown in the search result for your website is written in such a way to grab the user’s attention and encourage click-throughs.

This involves optimising page titles and meta descriptions of each and every page on your site.

Focussing on user experience

There are many factors that can negatively impact on a website’s user experience, including:

  • Functionality issues
  • Lack of mobile responsiveness
  • Slow-loading pages
  • Cluttered pages
  • Text that’s difficult to read
  • 404 errors (missing pages)

Improving such factors, ensuring key information is segmented with bullet points and using clear calls to action that guides the user to the next step in their journey means you’re likely to have less people leave your website before they’ve even had a chance to learn about your products or services.

A high bounce rate resulting from poor UX is likely to hurt your keyword rankings, as this signals to Google that your site isn’t relevant to the users’ searches, while also impacting on your conversion rate.

Optimising each step of your conversion funnel

On most websites there are clear steps a user is likely to take ahead of making a purchase or submitting an enquiry.

It makes sense that you want to maximise the number of users moving into each step of your conversion funnel, closer to taking the action most valuable to your business, so it’s vital this is tracked and measured.

The objective of a Kook SEO program is not only to increase your organic traffic, but most importantly to improve your website’s conversion rate, meaning a strong emphasis is placed on identifying and implementing improvements to your funnel.

More traffic, converting at a higher rate, equals more sales or more leads and a big win for your business.

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